JE M'ABONNE (9.000 GNF / mois)

Expressing Certainty, uncertainty and opinions

A – Read this jumbled dialogue carefully and put it in the correct order.

. Situation : Two high school students are going to the Miinistry of Education to get information about foreign scholarship for studies abroad.

Student ll : I suppose that’s the road to the bank

Student l : I believe tha the Cathedra lis opposite the centrfal bank

Student  ll : It’s probably that way, that must be the Ministry over there

Student l : Are you sure you know where the Ministry of Education is downtown ?

Student ll : The one in charge of foreign scholarship for studies abroad.

Student l : You are right, but I don’t think we should turn left.

Student ll : I’m sure, I’m certain the Ministry of Educacation is next to tghe Cathedral.

Student l : Who do you think we should meet for information ?

B - Comrehension questions

1 – Who are these stufdents ?


2 – where are they going ?


3 – what do they want ?


4 – Who should they meet for that ?


5 – Do you think he is the right persone for them to meet ?


C – Note : 1- We express certainty, when  we are sure about something.

Example : I believe that the teacher is going to come here

2 – We express uncertainty, when we are not sure about something.

I am not certain that my Director is in the office.

3 – We express opinions, when we want to give our point of view.

In my point of view, Guinea is the best country around the world.


D – Here are some expressions of certainty, uncertainty and opinions

Expressions of certainty

Expressions of uncertainty

Expressions of opinions

I am certain

I am not certain

In my opinion

I am sure

I am not sure

In my idea

I believe

I don’t believe

I think

There’s certainty

There is no certainty

As far as I can say

There is no doubt

There is doubt

As far as I’m concerned

That’s right

That’s not right

In my point of view

That’s certain

That’s not certain

As for me

That’s sure

That’s not sure

According to me

I’m convinced

I am not convinced

I would say


E – Exercice

Use five(5) expressions of certainty, five of uncertainty and five others of opinions into very good sentences !

2024-02-27 10:54:36

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