A – Read this jumbled dialogue carefully and put it in the correct order.
. Situation : Two high school students are going to the Miinistry of Education to get information about foreign scholarship for studies abroad.
Student ll : I suppose that’s the road to the bank
Student l : I believe tha the Cathedra lis opposite the centrfal bank
Student ll : It’s probably that way, that must be the Ministry over there
Student l : Are you sure you know where the Ministry of Education is downtown ?
Student ll : The one in charge of foreign scholarship for studies abroad.
Student l : You are right, but I don’t think we should turn left.
Student ll : I’m sure, I’m certain the Ministry of Educacation is next to tghe Cathedral.
Student l : Who do you think we should meet for information ?
B - Comrehension questions
1 – Who are these stufdents ?
2 – where are they going ?
3 – what do they want ?
4 – Who should they meet for that ?
5 – Do you think he is the right persone for them to meet ?
Conçu par Magoé Technologie. Tout droit réservé
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